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Owner company:
Name: Nero Trading S.L.
Registered office: C / Mayor san Jaime 46 2º. Vila-real, Castellón, Spain
CIF: B44507119



Nero trading S.L .. with address at C / Mayor san Jaime 46 2º. Vila-real, Castellón, Spain CIF B44507119. Contact address:

Marketing and offers related to perfumery, beauty and cosmetic products.

Consent of the User.

We do not transfer your data to third parties or entities.

The User can exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition, limitation of treatment, data portability and not to be the subject of individualized decisions, as well as withdraw the consent given or claim before the Control Authority.

Additional Information

The user can find detailed information about our privacy policy on our website.


In the treatment of the personal data of its Users, the Responsible person complies at all times with the legislation in force in Spain and specifically, with the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46 / CE (hereinafter "RGPD") is repealed.

The Responsible only treats the personal data obtained from the forms voluntarily completed by the Users under the principles of legality, loyalty and transparency, limitation of purpose, minimization of data, accuracy, limitation of the conservation period, integrity and confidentiality and proactive responsibility.



Nero trading S.L .. with address at C / Mayor san Jaime 46 2º. Vila-real, Castellón, Spain CIF B44507119

The User can contact the Data Protection Officer of the Responsible at the following email address and by postal mail to the address of the Responsible.


The Controller deals with the following categories of User data:

Contact information: name, postal address, email address, telephone.

Economic data: Credit card number.

Preferences: information that the user provides about their preferences, for example, the type of products purchased by the User.

Use of the website and communications: how you use our website as well as the information collected through cookies that the user can consult in our Policy on. Certain cookies may affect the User's privacy by allowing their content to be related to certain personal data, including their tastes and preferences.

The Responsible Party exclusively deals with the personal data provided by the User and does not deal with special categories of personal data. The main purpose for which we treat the User's information is to provide the services expressly requested by the User (marketing and offers related to perfumery, beauty and cosmetic products).

The Responsible Party treats user data for the following purposes:

  1. Provision of services expressly requested by the User, as well as to manage their payments and orders.
  2. Provide support and support services to Users, notify service or account issues (for example, reset the password, report improper conduct and, if necessary, report the suspension or deletion of the User's account);
  3. Carrying out commercial, operational and statistical activities. No automated decisions will be made based on said profile.
  4. Advice and referral of newsletters and other commercial communications by email about the Responsible and the provision of perfumery, cosmetic beauty and hairdressing services. The User may indicate his opposition to receiving such newsletter at any time. The User expressly consents to receive these emails, although they may unsubscribe (i) at the link specified in any communication sent by email, (ii) by sending an email to However, this will not imply the cancellation of certain non-commercial communications, such as messages related to your account.

The legal basis for the processing of User data by the Responsible Party is the User's consent (art 6.1 a) RGPD). Alternatively, the Controller may process the User's data on the legal basis of legitimate interest for direct marketing purposes.


The communication of personal data by the User is voluntary, although it constitutes a contractual condition for him to be able to acquire the products marketed by the Responsible. Thus, the refusal of the User will mean the impossibility of providing certain services to the User by the Responsible Party.

The User may withdraw the consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

The Responsible Party will always request consent and inform the User before using his data for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy.


The Responsible Party will communicate the User's personal data to the following recipients, which the User expressly accepts:

Anonymously, to advertising and programming providers to share statistics;
To those in charge of treatment who provide certain services for the Responsible (advertising, administrative-accounting, etc).

The personal data provided will be kept indefinitely, as long as the deletion of the same is not requested by the User.



The User can obtain confirmation on whether the Responsible is treating personal data that concerns him and access them.

The User may request from the Responsible party the exercise of the rights of access to personal data, its rectification, deletion, the limitation of its treatment, opposition and portability, by sending an email to the address, attaching Copy of the official identification document of the User and clearly expressing the right that he wishes to exercise. He can request the forms for the exercise of the aforementioned rights to said email address.

The User can also file a claim with a control authority.



The Responsible is directed to adults and does not voluntarily collect or maintain any type of personal data of minors. If the Responsible party becomes aware that the User is a minor, he will proceed to the immediate cancellation of his personal data and his account.


The Controller adopts the necessary technical and organizational measures to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, theft of the personal data provided, as well as to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk, taking into account the state of technology, the costs of application, the nature, the scope, the context and the purposes of the treatment, as well as the risks of variable probability and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons.

In the use of the User's personal data, the Responsible Party undertakes to respect confidentiality and to use them in accordance with the purpose of their treatment, as well as to comply with their obligation to save them and adapt all technical and organizational security measures to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk.

The Responsible Party takes particular account of the risks posed by data processing, in particular as a consequence of the destruction, loss or accidental or illegal alteration of personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, or unauthorized communication or access to said data. data.

The Controller takes measures to ensure that any person acting under its authority and has access to the User's personal data can only process said data following the Controller's instructions, unless they are obliged to do so under applicable law.



To use our website, the use of cookies is necessary. Cookies are small files that are installed on the hard drive, with a limited duration in time, which help to personalize services. Cookies are used in order to know the interests, behavior and demographics of the User of our website and thus better understand their needs and interests and give them a better service or provide related information. We also use the information obtained through cookies to analyze the pages browsed by the User, the searches carried out, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, display advertising or promotions, banners of interest to the visitor, personalize the contents and the presentation of our website.

If you wish, you can configure your browser to be notified on the screen of the receipt of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on your hard drive. Please, consult the instructions and manuals of your browser to expand this information.

List of cookies:


Cart: includes the basic information of the purchase (items, units, prices, etc.)
PromoArticle: contains all the articles associated with the cart that appear as associated promotion.
Flash Products: indicates if a product has been purchased as a flash product
Voucher: contains the information of the voucher used
Address: contains the customer's address
Name: contains the customer's name
Email: contains the customer's email
Language: contains the client's language
Login: identifies the user as a valid user
Cookies to third parties: Facebook, Google and Tradedoubler.

The user is informed that at the time of registration, they may give their consent to the receipt of a periodic newsletter that will be sent to the email provided.


Support window consent

By accepting and submitting the form, the user (hereinafter "the User") accepts and consents that the entity Nero Trading, S.L. with registered office at C / Mayor san Jaime 46 2º. Vila-real, Castellón, Spain CIF B44507119 (hereinafter "the Responsible") treat your personal data for the sole purpose of evaluating and, where appropriate, answering the questions raised to the Responsible's support department, on the legal basis of the consent freely given by the User (article 6 1a) General Data Protection Regulation).

The User can contact the Responsible at any time by sending an email to the address and, in writing, to his registered office. He can also contact the Data Protection Officer at the email address dpo @

The User can withdraw at any time the consent given, although this will not affect the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

The personal data of the User will be treated exclusively by the Responsible, recipient of the same, who will keep the personal data object of treatment during the period of time essential to fulfill the specific purpose for which they were processed, proceeding to the suppression of the referred personal data within a period of THIRTY (30) days from the fulfillment of said purpose, unless the User gives their consent for a different purpose. The Responsible Party will not transfer the data to any third party, natural or legal person.

The User can file a claim with a control authority and exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of treatment or portability of their data.

The Responsible Party does not make automated decisions about the User's data.


Professional consent

By accepting and submitting the form, the user (hereinafter "the Professional") accepts and consents that the entity Nero trading, S.L. with registered office at C / Mayor san Jaime 46 2º. Vila-real, Castellón, Spain CIF B44507119 (hereinafter "the Responsible") treat your personal data for the sole purpose of evaluating and, where appropriate, establishing business relationships with the Professional, on the legal basis that the treatment is necessary for the application at the request of the Professional of pre-contractual measures (article 6 1b) General Data Protection Regulation).

The Professional can contact the Responsible at any time by sending an email to the address and, in writing, to his registered office. He can also contact the Data Protection Delegate at the email address

The personal data of the Professional will be processed exclusively by the Responsible, the recipient of the same, who will keep the personal data subject to treatment for the period of time essential to comply with the legal and tax obligations applicable to the Responsible. The Responsible may also transfer said data to third parties with whom they are commercially related and to other companies of the group to which the Responsible belongs for administrative purposes, on the legal basis of the legitimate interest of both parties (article 6.1f) RGPD).

The Professional can file a claim with a control authority and exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of treatment or portability of their data.

The Controller does not make automated decisions about the Professional's data.